Monday 23 April 2012

I know fuck all.....

It is the first day of my fourth placement in my second year of nurse training. Too many numbers? Imagine how I feel - I have to give people DRUGS, and I need to suss out how to do that without accidentally killing them. Does it comfort you that I got the lowest possible 'C' grade in GCSE maths? Because it doesn't comfort me. At all. (Don't tell the patients).

I am on AMU (acute medical unit to you and me - which is basically a fancy way to define the halfway house between A&E and the ward you will eventually be on). These patients may also come from home after being referred by their GP's for investigations because 'that really shouldn't be there' or 'you see what you just vomited? That is REALLY the wrong colour'. You get the gist.

I have earned alright/good grades in all my essays and exams, and my placement reports thus far have been great. BUT I AM A FRAUD! I feel like I've slapped on a nurses uniform and snuck onto this ward, fiendishly eyeing up the cardiac monitors and getting all twitchy and excited when people say things like 'blood' or 'biopsy'.

It's all very cool and untouchable, and I'm in this uniform swanning around as if I mean business until a voice says "Okay, you can be in charge of Bay 4 today".

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